Thursday, November 13, 2014

Rainy Days

There are so many things to do on rainy days!!  Crafts like, egg carton masks or pipe cleaner people; arty things like drawing, painting or collage pictures.  Playing with your Lego, cars, dolls, dress-ups.  Make a tea party for your soft toys, make up a new song, write a story, make a hut out of blankets and the lounge furniture! 

 In my last post you'll see a link to making Jet Packs - then you could pretend you were blasting off to the moon and floating around in space!

You could ask the rest of your family to play a board game, like Cluedo or Monopoly.  Play tiddly winks or marbles.
You could watch a movie or play some games on your iPod or tablet - but only for a short time - watching screens makes you tired and might give you SQUARE eyes!!
How about a game of cards?  If there are a few of you, you could play snap, fish, memory or last card.  If there's only one of you, you could play Patience!!  When I was young we played a lot of cards and really liked Clock Patience.  Click HERE if you'd like to learn how to play.
If you're allowed to go outside, you can have HEAPS of fun in the rain!  Jumping in the puddles, looking up and letting the rain fall onto your face, even opening your mouth and letting the raindrops go in!
That's it for now - remember, there's no need to get bored on a rainy day!!

Monday, November 3, 2014

Travelling On

I traveled from Nelson to Auckland, stopping in Wellington, Levin and Palmerston North for some gigs.  I took some photos of scenery along the way....but I deleted them from my camera by mistake!!  

I said on my radio show that I would post how to make a jet pack!!  Click Here and it will take you to the instructions.  Here's a picture of what they'll look like.  Cool aye!?

Here are some I took and didn't delete!

That's all for this time - see ya next time!

Monday, October 20, 2014

After a break!

Hi!!  It's been a while since I posted on this blog!  This will have some fun things on keep checking back!  It's for you KIDS to read...or ask an adult to help you read it if you like.

Listen to my radio show on Fresh FM on Saturday mornings at 10 past 7 and Sunday mornings at 10 past 8 - I'll be putting things up here to go along with my show!

Coming soon.......HOW TO MAKE JET PACKS and HOW TO PLAY PATIENCE....see ya soon!